UGA Wesley

Leadership Blog


A couple things...

Posted by Diana Maria |

Hope you are having a GREAT weekend! Here are a few things going on...

Please remember to pray for the CROSSTRAINERS RETREAT!

If you wanted to order a DVD from Restoration and forgot to get an order form last night, please bring $12 to Wesley (or mail it) c/o Brian Davis by April 20 (with your name, address, email address, and phone number). If you have any questions contact him at

SENIORS...your appreciation breakfast is Saturday, April 17. If you have not received your paper-invite ask your discipler, or pick it up Wednesday night at Wesley. AND please respond via the evite if you can attend or not. If you did not receive an evite contact Diana at

GOLF TOURNAMENT! Contact Caren at if you're interested in playing, know people who are interested in playing, or who can donate.

