UGA Wesley

Leadership Blog


THE Cookie House!

Posted by Diana Maria |

Hey Leaders!

It's time for our Leadership FUN Event for the semester, and it's
THE Cookie House!

It's loosely modeled after the post-Wesley Wednesday night cookie house, but just bigger. LOTS bigger.

Many more COOKIES,

milk (to go with the cookies),


TONS of hanging out,



You should have received or will soon receive an evite with more details. Let us know if you have any questions!

Posted by Anonymous |

Wesley Parking Lot

We love having anyone and everyone park at Wesley to come hang out here.  However, we don't want people to park here and leave their cars while going to class.  Here's Officer Peabody and his "bat boy" to help us make our point a little more clearly.

In conclusion, you are ALWAYS WELCOME to park here while you are here.

Don't park here and go to class.


Prayer-full Opportunities

Posted by Anonymous |

It happens every week, but we wanted to re-invite you to 7:30 Prayer on Tuesday mornings at Wesley. Yes, it's early. BUT, it's awesome and He's worthy! It usually happens in the Prayer Chapel, but tomorrow morning we're meeting in the Main Chapel with a full band.

There is a Healing Prayer Training from 8-9pm in the Prayer Chapel at Wesley. It is open to anyone who has questions about healing, wants to learn more, and/or wants to pray at a healing prayer night.

There is a Friday Night Fire THIS Friday from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.


2k10 CrossTrainers 5k!

Posted by Anonymous |

The CrossTrainers 5K is THIS Saturday! Sign-up on-line at

Like running?
Then here is a FUN way to spend your Saturday morning, running for the kids!

Don't like running?
Then here is a GREAT way to support this AWESOME ministry for ONLY $15-$20!


The Parking Police at Wesley

Posted by Anonymous |

We love you! We love it when you visit us at Wesley. Please, come hang out with us during the day!

But parking at Wesley and not being here, that's a little tough.

As you may have observed, the parking is extremely limited here at the Wes', and we are now rigorously patrolling the parking lot ticketing. If you are inside and get ticketed, come find a staff member and we'll take your name off the list. However, if you get ticketed once and you park here again without being in the building, we'll tow your car.

Please tell your friends.
