UGA Wesley

Leadership Blog


toward the Spring...

Posted by David |

Sorry for the late post...I had some internet trouble this morning.

For the next few days, I'd like to direct our focus as a Leadership community toward the Spring semester, toward a few things I've been considering over the break and asking the Lord about.

One of my personal focuses (foci) has been purity of heart and purity of devotion. I'd like to live in a natural and authentic relationship with Christ, without any spats, divisions, arguments, indifference. But in reality, I'm often strapped down by guilt of what should have been, could have been, should be..."you should pray more," "you should make more of an impact on ___", "your life should count more for the kingdom." Some interior voice makes me feel like I've failed.

It may be different for you (probably is), but the voice of the Evil One accuses and seeks to destroy the life of God in us. The reality of my heart is that I LOVE GOD. I enjoy him. I seek him out. The should have been, could have been speaker is not the Lover of my soul.

I'd like to see our community walk down a road toward freedom from accusation, to enjoy God for who he is, to take our highest pleasure and delight in him and the good gifts of his kingdom. Purity of devotion and heart can't be far from God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.

This week's questions: What is the direction of your heart? toward God? What is he saying to you about the Spring and how he wants to work with you to advance his kingdom?

