UGA Wesley

Leadership Blog

1/01/2010 for the history books.

Posted by Anonymous |

“6 Year Old Boy Floating Away in Balloon”

“Ex Dog Stafford has 5 TD and win”

“In a Rush, Georgia Defeats Tech”

“Michael Jackson, 50, is Dead”

These are just a few of the headliners of 2009. Every year at this time, television shows are dedicated to recapping the events of the past year. Some are good. Some are not so good. Some are down right tragic. Nevertheless, we love to sit back and remember. We take pictures, we shoot videos, and we keep journals all in an effort to recall the past. But do we do this in all aspects of our lives?

We spend hours on our knees in prayer asking and pleading with God to move. But how often do we sit back to simply remember the ways in which He has answered us? When do we stand and rejoice for the mercy that He has shown? In Joshua 4, God calls the Israelites to build a stone memorial so that future generations could remember the deliverance and faithfulness of their God. Why don’t we create memorials to remember the goodness of our God? Deuteronomy speaks repeatedly of not forgetting the Lord your God who has shown Himself faithful.

As you say goodbye to 2009, take some time to remember all that has happened in your life this year. Look back in journals or at pictures. Allow yourself to think about the good and the bad. Remember prayers that you prayed and prayers that were answered. Any emotion that has been stirred up, take it to the Lord. Allow Him to speak into the deep places of joy and into the deep places of sorrow.
Recall the last time you remember truly knowing of God’s faithfulness in your life. It could be from last week or last year. Allow that memory to sink in and renew your hope in Him. Let this become your stone memorial. Look back to it to constantly remember that He is good…all the time!

Scripture: Joshua 3 and 4

Challenge: Encourage the rest of us by sharing your stone memorial with us here on the blog.

Boredom Buster: Find the most bizarre news article of 2009 and share the link here.


erin said...

The Lord filled me with peace and rest this past semester. In turn, that filled me with so much joy. I lived in joy of the Lord all semester and it was something so powerful, something I had never experienced before. Absolutely amazing.
I prayed for a headache to leave once, and instantly, it was gone!
I prayed for my Mom and sister to stop fighting, they still do every now and then, but it hasn't gotten to the point where it's made me cry again.
I've prayed for my parents to find the Lord, it hasn't happened yet, but I'll keep asking.
I've prayed for my new niece to be healthy, and she is :)
I've made incredible friends through a horrible experience.
I've, as a junior, finally declared a major that I really enjoy, and am still gonna graduate on time.
The thought of choreographing has always scared me to death, but with His help, a friend and I have choreographed almost a whole dance now.
God is so good. even through the good and the bad.

Anonymous said...

After years of bitterness, pain, and prayers that I almost believed to be in vain, God's work on my father revealed itself this year. He is no longer entombed in his drug and alcohol addictions and I'm learning how to restore our broken relationship.
God was answering my prayers all along; I just couldn't see it until now.
