UGA Wesley

Leadership Blog



Posted by Ashley Plant |

So, I am terrified of many things. They aren't the outward things like spiders or heights or the boogeyman. You will never hear me squealing over a roach or worrying about people breaking into my house. Nope. I am scared of far worse things. I am scared of things that could potentially ruin my life. Actually, I am scared of things that, if I allow them to, have the potential to keep me from ever living at all.

I am scared of...
the unknown

Fear has a paralyzing effect. It keeps us from action. It keeps us from making decisions. It keeps us in our self-protective shells -- where we incorrectly think the world can't harm us if we retreat to them.

My prayer today...God, I want to live. I want to truly live. I don't want what ifs, unknowns, hurts, or any other fears to keep me from the life that you have for me -- the life that is mine in Christ Jesus. Thank you for living and dying so that I might always live.

What are you afraid of? What fear is keeping you from abundance?

